Treatments & Prices

Reflexology in Holt, Wrexham


Reflexology is a complementary therapy that aims to balance the mind and body.

It is a very relaxing and calming treatment which is great for anyone of any age. My clients tell me they find my reflexology sessions to be very calming and often find reflexology helps with issues such as poor sleep, relaxation, improved mood, release of tension and their general well-being.

One of my specialist areas is in reflexology for the menopause. As well as providing bespoke reflexology sessions, I also help women to better understand what is happening to their bodies at this time and what other changes they could consider making to help them through the menopause transition.

Using my knowledge as an aromatherapist I also use my own hand-blended creams containing high quality essential oils chosen specifically for the needs of my client as part of the reflexology treatment.

You can book individual sessions but I recommend a course of reflexology treatments to begin with to get the best results.

As well as having a hand-blended essential cream used in your treatment, you are also able to buy a larger jar of your chosen cream to use at home.


Reflexology £47

Reflexology Taster (30 mins) £15

Course of 5 treatments £220

I’m a fully qualified Bowen Technique Therapist. I trained with the College of Bowen Studies, the UK’s only Bowen training college which is accredited by the Federation of Holistic Therapists.

Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive very gentle therapy which works through the fascia (the layer underneath our skin), and can therefore affect many underlying structures in our bodies including muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments.

We use small, rolling type moves which feel tiny but have a huge impact on the body, helping it to realign itself and all within it.

Bowen is a great therapy for anyone from the newborn to the elderly. Clients who come to me often present with conditions such as general aches and pains, back ache, joint pain, stiff neck, tight hamstrings etc.

In the first instance the advice is to book three sessions seven days apart to see how you respond to the therapy. This allows us to see if you will feel any benefit from Bowen Therapy. From there we have a discussion and you decide if you’d like to continue with the treatments and what frequency. Treatments usually last one hour.

1 hour treatment £50

3 x 1 hour treatments £135

Subsequent individual treatments (within 12 months) £45

Bowen Therapy Wrexham

Bowen Therapy

Luxury Holistic facial

Back, shoulder and facial massage

Using naturally derived, vegan and cruelty-free products, you will receive a skincare consultation before having a facial using products to suit your specific skin type.

This treatment includes a shoulder, neck and face massage as well as a double cleanse, hot towels, face mask, toner, bespoke serum, eye cream and moisturiser.

1 hour and 15 minutes £50

Combined Reflexology & Facial Treatment

Experience the ultimate in balancing your mind, body and skin.

This combined treatment includes a mini holistic facial complete with a face, shoulder and neck massage, followed by a reflexology treatment on your feet.

For the facial I use naturally derived, vegan friendly skincare products to rejuvenate your skin, leaving you feeling relaxed and fresh faced.

The reflexology will leave you floating on air, as I aim to balance you physically and emotionally, paying particular attention to any areas you feel need addressing.

1 hour and 30 minutes £65

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What to expect

When you first make contact with me we will discuss your needs and what you hope to get from your treatment.

Your first appointment will include an in-depth consultation.

Subsequent treatments will include a shorter consultation before the treatment begins just to see how you have been getting on..

Each treatment plan is bespoke to the needs of the client, which is something we discuss when we meet and then at each treatment session. With reflexology you will benefit more by having regular treatments, particularly at the start, but once we are on top of any issues I would usually recommend a monthly or six weekly session to maintain balance.

With the Bowen Technique I would ask you to commit to three sessions initially. Thereinafter, if you find you have benefitted from the Bowen sessions you can return at a frequency to suit you, or as and when your body tells you you need to. For some people there is no need to return. For others they may find on-going treatments beneficial.

Quiet please.jpg

Hello Gayle. Thank you

for the treatment.

I had the best night’s

sleep. Something I

haven’t had

for a while!